World Breastfeeding Week Sparks Collective Action for Better Child Nutrition

World Breastfeeding Week in Ethiopia was marked by a series of events organized in partnership with the CASCADE project and the regional health bureau. On August 7, 2024, regional leaders, health professionals, and community members came together to emphasize the importance of breastfeeding.

A Call to Action: Leadership and Commitment

The event featured a panel discussion led by Ato Gisitie Tilahun, Deputy Head of the Regional Health Bureau. In his opening remarks, Ato Gisitie addressed the ongoing challenges in breastfeeding practices at regional and national levels. While the Amhara region’s breastfeeding coverage stands at 73%, above the national average of 61%, he emphasized the need for renewed efforts and stronger collaboration to meet the established targets.

The discussions also focused on the region’s difficulties in achieving key nutrition indicators, which currently fall below the national average. Recognizing breastfeeding as fundamental to child nutrition, the event sought to mobilize stakeholders for immediate and sustained action.

Insights from the Panel Discussion

Ato Semenh Worku, Head of the Nutrition Team at the Regional Health Bureau, provided a detailed update on the region’s nutrition status, emphasizing the need for greater stakeholder involvement to improve these indicators. Following his update, Professor Netsanet Fentahun from Bahir Dar University presented his research on breastfeeding in Ethiopia. His study highlighted both the benefits and challenges of current breastfeeding practices and called for the following concrete actions:

  • Increasing investment in programs that promote, protect, and support breastfeeding.
  • Fully implementing the Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.
  • Enacting paid family leave and workplace breastfeeding policies.
  • Enhancing access to skilled breastfeeding counseling in healthcare facilities.
  • Strengthening networks that protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.
  • Providing support for infant and young child feeding during emergencies.
Participants Following Panel Discussion

Engaging the Community: Extending the Reach of the Celebration

Beyond the regional capital, World Breastfeeding Week was celebrated in all CASCADE intervention districts, extending down to the Kebele level to engage community representatives. Key messages about the importance of breastfeeding were disseminated through brochures and briefings by woreda health officers. Lactating mothers who participated in these events reported an improved understanding of the benefits of colostrum and exclusive breastfeeding, which they believe will positively influence their practices.

Looking Forward: Sustaining the Momentum

The celebration, marking its 16th year in Ethiopia and 24th year globally, concluded with a shared understanding among participants. While the week-long observance is a vital catalyst, efforts to promote and support breastfeeding must continue year-round. The regional government, in collaboration with partner organizations, is encouraged to implement concrete measures to address the challenges identified. Media institutions are also called to play a key role in raising awareness and supporting these initiatives.

With the theme ‘Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All‘ the event highlighted the need for collective action to meet Ethiopia’s breastfeeding goals. By working together, stakeholders can ensure that every child receives the best possible start in life through the benefits of breastfeeding.

CASCADE Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, CASCADE program is implemented in the South Gondar Zone of the Amhara Region, an area that has consistently faced high rates of malnutrition, particularly among women and children of reproductive age. The program’s primary focus is on strengthening the implementation of the National Food and Nutrition Policy (NFNP) and the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) through targeted advocacy efforts.

Authored by Atinkut Agegnehu – CASCADE Policy and Advocacy Officer | Ethiopia