Climate Change Adaptation
CARE has long-standing experience to apply a community-based adaptation approach, a set of activities developed in partnership with at-risk communities in order to promote awareness of, and appropriate and sustainable solutions to, current and future climatic conditions. Climate change adaptation interventions are diverse and can range from advocacy to natural resource management, access to climate-information services and livelihood decision-making support. Within our programmes, we aim to promote gender equality through Gender-Transformative Adaptation.
Key resources
- Community Adaptation Planning, is a process that brings local stakeholders together in creating an empowering learning process and results in tangible and flexible plans for communities to reduce their vulnerability to climate change over time.
- Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis is a tool used by CARE to gather and analyse information on community-level vulnerabilities and capacities for climate change.
- Participatory Scenario Planning is an approach to collaborative design and delivery of seasonal user-centred climate information services.
- CARE’s orientation guide on gender equality and adaptation contains tools, guidance and research related to gender transformative adaptation.
- The Advocacy Capacity Toolbox for Resilience provides an overview of guidelines, manuals and tools developed for partners and communities and used within the ‘Partners for Resilience Alliance’ CARE is a founding member of.